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Welcome to the magical world of grassland habitats and view this habitat through Isabelle's experiences! 

 Our lush meadows, fields and machair plains are full of surprises. Explore ancient grasslands, uncovering a hidden world of life – from underground fungi to buzzing bees and butterflies. Discover the intricate web of creatures that depend on each other to create their happy grassland home. Keep an eye out for our garden helpers, the pollinators, whose hard work not only keeps the grasslands thriving but also helps our food grow!



Sleeping hedgehog


A dandelion is a yellow-flowered plant that grows in both fields and gardens. It's like a tiny sun with a fluffy, white ball of seeds on top. When the wind blows, these seeds float away, helping dandelions spread and grow in new places. Dandelions are important in nature because their flowers provide nectar for bees and other pollinators. Their leaves are eaten by grazing animals and also make a great salad ingredient!


Ireland is home to 21 bumblebee species, four of which are endangered! The Great yellow bumblebee is especially at risk of disappearing. Like the honeybee, bumblebees are social bees. They live in colonies with a queen, many female workers, and some males. Unlike honeybees, bumblebees don't make honey but store a little nectar in wax pots for emergencies. These buzzing friends help plants make seeds by spreading pollen, making sure we have lots of flowers, fruits, and veggies in our gardens and fields.

Pygmy shrew

Meet the pygmy shrew, Ireland's smallest mammal! These tiny creatures, measuring only 4.5 to 6 cm, are active day and night, scuttling through grasslands, heaths, and sand dunes. They have poor eyesight, but very well developed senses of smell, hearing, and touch - which they use to hunt insects, eating up to 250 prey items per day! Pygmy shrews build nests in vegetation, and despite their small size, they are formidable predators.

Brown mouse

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Puffin Rock Habitats

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