Each habitat in the exhibition has a Puffin Rock Nature Hero panel with instructions for you to follow. The panel lists an Irish website that you can visit to learn more about that habitat, and suggests some actions that you can take to help look after nature. If you complete this for each habitat, you can upload your responses here and will be sent an official Puffin Rock Nature Hero certificate, with lots of love from Oona, Baba and all their friends on Puffin Rock!
If you can't visit the exhibition in person, don't worry - you can still be a Puffin Rock Nature Hero!
Ask an adult to help you visit biodiversityireland.ie/surveys/wetland-detectives. (This is the website of the National Biodiversity Data Centre)
Ask an adult to help you visit www.pollinators.ie to learn more about how to help protect pollinators at home or school
Ask an adult to help you visit www.cleancoasts.org for lots of inspiration #2minutebeachclean
Ask an adult to help you visit www.iwdg.ie/junior-section/ to learn more about Irish whales and dolphins.
Take a photo of your action and share it with us on social media using #puffinrocknaturehero